Sadoff Iron & Metal Provides Ballistic Shield Donation to Green Lake County Tactical Unit
28Feb A ballistic shield used in policing operations was donated to the Green Lake County Tactical Unit by Sadoff Iron & Metal Company of Berlin, WI. Enforcement personnel of the Berlin Police Department and the Green Lake County Sheriff's Department met with the company's Vice-President, Jason Lasky, who presented the shield and received a letter of appreciation from county investigator, Detective Chad Holdorf. Made from reinforced Kevlar with a clear, polycarbonate inset window, the shield provides defense for officers responding "first-in" to a situation. Holderf said that after Berlin police talked to Sadoff representatives, the company began working on the donated shield to assist local law enforcement efforts. Lasky told Berlin officer Bob Zache and Detective Holderf that Sadoff wanted to act as a partner in law enforcement's work to protect the community.

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